Support from East Lothian Council

On behalf of East Lothian Council (ELC) we would like to state our support for Spott Community Association’s aim of having an active travel connection for walking and cycling from Spott village to Dunbar.

Active travel is specifically highlighted in the  East Lothian’s Local Transport Strategy 2018-2024, in an Active Travel Improvement Plan which focuses on promoting, supporting and delivering a walking and cycling agenda and reduce the dependence on car use and promoting active lifestyles.

The Spott village community, along with a number of other settlements in the foothills of the East Lammermuirs was impacted when the A1 London to Edinburgh Trunk Road was upgraded to a dual carriageway in the 1990’s. During that construction time a number of historical roads and paths were severed in the process with no adequate provision for walking and cycling safely between the settlements and in particular  to the main town of Dunbar, unless by vehicle.

In the intervening years there have been local campaigns from these communities seeking to re-connect to the path network  to the north of the  A1 the coast, and Dunbar.

ELC officers welcome Spott Community Association’s request for a Feasibility Study to explore how this can be achieved and will provide the necessary support and expertise to assist in this process.

Iain Reid, Sustainable Transport Officer, East Lothian Council
Nick Morgan, Outdoor Access Officer, East Lothian Council